Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved
College College Arts and Law
School Lan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Modern Languages
Partner College and School Linguistics and Communications
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.A. Modern Languages and English Language Full-time
Programme Code 034H
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 3 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme This information is to be supplied
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
One or more specialised area(s) of English Language and Linguistics: its theories, historical varieties, methods of discovery and major conceptual paradigms;
The history and development of the English language, or the grammar, syntax and lexis of Old English, and the critical and cultural frameworks within which it is studied;
Analytic practices in the description of the English language and traditions in linguistic theory;
The variation of English language in different situational and developmental contexts and the theoretical frameworks within which such variety is studied;
The grammar, discourse and lexis of varieties of English and critical and cultural frameworks within which such variation is studied.
Lang Path 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: Lectures and seminars (L1, 2 & 3) and student-led seminars (L3). Independent study in groups (L1; supported by lectures and group supervision) and individually (L1, supported by lectures and individual supervision; L2, supported by group seminars and individual supervision) prepares students for work on an individually supervised research project or dissertation at L3. Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with opportunities to practice and refine their skills at all levels.
Assessment is by written assignment, essay and portfolio. Students may choose to write a dissertation or research project in this area (BA only).
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The capacity to analyse and critically examine diverse forms of discourse, and from both readerly and writerly perspectives;
Effective communication skills and the ability to apply these in appropriate contexts, including the ability to present sustained and persuasive arguments cogently and coherently, and to apply drafting and redrafting skills to ‘industry specific’ writing and publishing tasks;
Lectures and seminars (LC, I & H) and student-led seminars (LH). Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with opportunities to practice and refine their skills at all levels.
Modern Languages and English Language: 1. Independent study skills (self-organisation, initiative and self-direction; time management; autonomous research skills; the ability to collect, organise, synthesise and evaluate information; planning, drafting and editing)

The ability to produce an extended piece of academic writing, drawing on independent study skills acquired on the programme
Modern Languages and English Language: 2. Transferable skills relevant to employment, including problem-solving, self-reliance, initiative, adaptability, flexibility, resilience, self-motivation, and competences such as note-taking, the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, ability to use and manipulate digital resources and to present information and ideas effectively using ICT.
Modern Languages and English Language: 3. Ability to summarise, synthesise, analyse and evaluate others’ arguments, and to formulate their own logical and structured arguments, normally both orally and in writing, with appropriate supporting evidence. both in English and in the target language(s
Modern Languages and English Language: 4. Ability to work as a member of a team in a range of contexts, including the capacity to listen, to respond flexibly to feedback, to understand diverse perspectives, and to negotiate solutions collectively

1 – 3 inclusive Lectures and seminars (LC, I & H) and student-led seminars (LH). Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with opportunities to practice and refine their skills at all levels.

Modern Languages and English Language

1. Attendance at plenaries and/or engagement with online environment, reading and contribution to seminars and tutorials, regular written exercises. Use of the University Library and artistic collections, IT and other information sources. Lectures and seminars (LC, I & H) and student-led seminars (LH). Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with opportunities to practice and refine their skills at all levels.

2. By definition, language work and content modules involve new, ‘difficult’ material that requires the independent application and ownership of techniques taught in classes and lectures if it is to be understood fully and mastered. An emphasis on close analysis is intended to broaden the range and sophistication of students’ interpretations of material, and to allow students to produce not so much expositions as substantiated arguments and positions. Problem Based Learning (PBL) exercises, presentations, group project work and other forms of independent learning are germane to all parts of the programme. The Year Abroad offers a particular opportunity for the development of independent capability, personally as well as linguistically and intellectually. A range of formative assessment modes are used throughout the degree.

Coverage of Modern Languages professions is built into all core language modules. Opportunities for work experience may be acquired through non-credit bearing summer placements (Year 2) and/ or placements followed during the Year Abroad. Lectures and seminars; an individually supervised dissertation at LH. Lectures and seminars (LC, I & H) and student-led seminars (LH). Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with

3. Target language seminars combined with extensive reading and other forms of exposure to and practice in the target language(s). Residence abroad (– n/a for 3 year programme). Attendance at plenaries and/or engagement with online environment, reading and contribution to seminars and tutorials, regular written exercises. Use of the University Library, IT and other information sources. An individually supervised dissertation at LH, group work, information retrieval skills training in second year Lectures and seminars (LC, I & H) and student-led seminars (LH). Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with

4. Contribution to seminars and tutorials; discussion of formative presentations, group work Lectures and seminars (LC, I & H) and student-led seminars (LH). Formative written exercises and essays as well as non-assessed student presentations and group work provide students with opportunities to practice and refine their skills at all levels.

1-3 inclusive Assessment is by written assignment, essay and portfolio. Students may choose to write a dissertation or research project in this area (BA only).

Modern Languages and English Language

1. Coursework (essays, dissertation, project work, oral presentations, target language projects, e-assessment portfolios), unseen written examinations, oral/aural examinations. Formative e-assessments and student-led research. Assessment is by written assignment, essay and portfolio. Students may choose to write a dissertation or research project in this area (BA only).

2. Coursework (essays, dissertation, project work, oral presentations, target language projects, e-assessment portfolios), unseen written examinations, oral/aural examinations. Formative e-assessments and student-led research. Assessment is by written assignment, essay and portfolio. Students may choose to write a dissertation or research project in this area (BA only).

3. Coursework (essays, dissertation, project work, oral presentations, target language projects, e-assessment portfolios), unseen written examinations, oral/aural examinations. Formative e-assessments and student-led research. Assessment is by written assignment, essay and portfolio. Students may choose to write a dissertation or research project in this area (BA only)

4. Coursework (project work, group presentations, target language projects),Assessment is by written assignment, essay and portfolio. Students may choose to write a dissertation or research project in this area (BA only).